# Litexa Extensions

Litexa supports custom extensions, which are special Node.js modules that can be installed to augment Litexa's core functionality. These extensions can be installed locally in a Litexa project's parent directory (in which case they only affect that individual project), or globally (in which case they affect all Litexa projects on the same machine).

The Alexa Games team has written a set of extensions to add higher level support for some features we use. If you find yourself needing functionality absent in Litexa, or wanting to customize something to your specific workflow you may want to look into writing your own extension. Open an issue on the Litexa Github if you'd like to talk to us about your use case.

# Extension Directory

To discover which extensions, both local and global, are visible to your current skill, run the command litexa extensions. That will give you a printout of each extension's name and location on disk.

Here's a list of public extensions currently available via npm:

# Authoring new Extensions

Litexa extensions support the following customizations:

  1. extending Litexa's language with new statements
  2. adding new validators to Litexa's compilation and testing steps
  3. adding new runtime functionality
  4. adding new asset types to upload

As each Litexa extension is its own Node.js module, so step 1 in writing your own is to initialize a new module. During development, don't forget that npm supports installing a module by absolute and local references on your hard drive. Installing your extension into a test skill ASAP makes iterating much easier.

Deployment extensions

Extensions modifying Litexa's deployment behavior, such as @litexa/deploy-aws, currently follow a different structure. Deployment extensions will be properly documented or assimilated to the below structure, at a future date.

# Extension Structure

# Extension Specification

For a Node module to be discoverable as a Litexa extension, it must have a litexa.extension specifications file, which can be written in JavaScript (.js) or CoffeeScript (.coffee):

├── package.json # Node package name = extension name
├── litexa.extension.js
└── [extension code files]

The litexa.extension specifications file should export a single extension initializer function which takes 2 parameters, and returns the extension's Litexa customizations:

module.exports = function(options, lib) {
  return {
    language: {
      // Litexa custom syntax definitions
    compiler: {
      // Litexa compilation/testing validators
    runtime: {
      // Litexa runtime handlers
    lib: {
      // Any custom library properties to be merged with Litexa's 
      //  'lib' object. These libraries properties become available 
      //   during Litexa compilation/runtime.
      // Each extension should usually contribute none or one, 
      //   named after the extension.
      // Specifying properties that name clash with existing Litexa core
      // libraries or other extensions will throw an error.
    formatters: {
      // different kinds of object to text transformer functions
      directives: {
        // takes a directive object, returns text to include in litexa test output

# Extension Initialization

As can be seen in the above litexa.extension template, the initializer function is called with 2 parameters, options and lib. Let's take a closer look at both of these parameters.

  1. options: These are extensionOptions which can be specified in a Litexa project's Litexa config file. Let's assume we have a Litexa project with the following litexa.config.js:

    module.exports = {
      "name": { /* ... */ },
      "deployments": { /* ... */ }
      "extensionOptions": {
        "myExtension": { verbose: true }

    Now, if we had "myExtension" installed in our project (or globally), running this Litexa project would initialize "myExtension" with options = { verbose: true}. These extension options can be leveraged to support custom initialization behavior for individual projects (such as enabling verbose logs, in this case).

  2. lib: This is the container for all of Litexa's shared libraries which are assembled in @litexa-core/src/parser/parserlib.coffee. These libraries can be used, extended, and even modified by Litexa extensions.

    As a simple example, Litexa's parsing error handler lib.ParserError(location, errorString) is usable in any extension through this passed lib container.

# Extension Customizations

Now, let's take a closer look at the aforementioned 3 types of customizations that are possible through extensions:

  1. extending Litexa's language
  2. extending Litexa's compiler
  3. extending Litexa's runtime

# 1) Language Extension

The Litexa parser is written in PEG.js (opens new window), which is a simple parser generator for JavaScript. If unfamiliar, we highly recommend taking a look at the linked documentation and Litexa's parser file @litexa/core/src/parser/litexa.pegjs, before proceeding.

In summary, PEG.js grammar consists of top level rules which are made up of a name and a parsing expression. The parsing expression in turn consists of a pattern to match in the target language, and optionally some JavaScript handler code to be executed when the pattern is successfully matched.

An example of a simple PEG.js rule would be:

integer // name of rule
// start parsing expression
  = digits:[0-9]+ { // pattern to match
    // optional handler code, to be run whenever pattern is matched
    return parseInt(digits.join(""), 10);
// end parsing expression

All Litexa rules are listed in the parser file @litexa-core/src/parser/litexa.pegjs, which specifies different categories of Litexa statements. Those modifiable by extensions are the StateStatements (keywords that can be used in Litexa state handlers), and the TestStatements (keywords that can be used in Litexa tests). An overview of all statements currently supported by Litexa's core package can be found in the Language Reference.

It is possible for extensions to add new state statements and test statements, by specifying the following language fields in the object returned by the extension initializer:

// litexa.extension.js
module.exports = function(options, lib) {
  return {
    lib: {
      // share our own custom parsing lib with Litexa; details below
      myCommandParser: require('./myCommandParser')(lib)

    language: {
      statements: {
        // "statements" are new keywords we'd like to enable in Litexa code

        myCommand: { // name of the statement to be added

          // now let's add a parser rule with the structure:
          // [rule_name] = [pattern] { [optional JS handler] }
          parser: `myCommand
            = 'myCommand' __ type:QuotedString {
              pushCode(location(), new lib.myCommandParser(type));
            / 'myCommand' {
              pushCode(location(), new lib.myCommandParser());
            location() ... specifies where we matched our pattern
            pushCode() ... replaces the matched pattern with our specified output
            new lib.myCommandParser() ... since we exported myCommandParser
              to Litexa through 'lib', we can call it here during parsing
      testStatements: {
        // "testStatements" are new keywords we'd like to enable in Litexa tests

        myTestCommand: { // name of the test statement to be added

          // handler code can also trigger some one-time command during compilation,
          // instead of replacing the keyword with runtime code
          parser: `myTestCommand
            = 'myTestCommand' {
              console.log("Litexa used myTestCommand.");

Leverage existing parsing rules

As seen in the above example of myCommand, the pattern checks for an existing Litexa rule "QuotedString", which would match any String between single or double quotes. Any existing Litexa parsing rules can be reused in your custom parsing logic, so we highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the existing rules in litexa.pegjs before proceeding to add your own.

# What should my pushCode parser look like?

As can be seen in the above example, we've exported our own parser to Litexa through our extension lib (which will be merged with Litexa's lib). This parser function can be required from a file in our extension's Node package, or we can define it directly within the litexa.extension file.

Pass Litexa 'lib' to any additional extension files

We recommend passing the Litexa lib received in the initializer function on to any other extension files required from litexa.extension, as needed. Doing so will provide visibility of any Litexa libraries that may be needed.

Now, if we want to call our custom extension parser in a pushCode(), it should support a function (or class constructor) with the following structure:

// myCommandParser.js
module.exports = function(lib) {
    according to the above tip, we'll dependency inject the Litexa 'lib'
    when requiring this parser

    then, we'll return an initializer function or constructor, to be callable
    by the Litexa parser and accept whichever parameters we expect:
  return function(commandType = undefined) {
    // our example matches newCommand with AND without a "type" -> handle both
    this.attributes = {
      commands: {type: commandType}

      Required: Our extension must return a toLambda() function. This
      function will be called with the stringified Lambda "output" up
      until our keyword, and allow attaching our own stringified code
      in place of the keyword.
    this.toLambda = function(output, indent, options) {
      // Let's add some data to the Litexa 'context'.
      output.push(`context.myCommandData = "myCommand was used";`);

      Optional: We can support command "attributes" with a pushAttribute()
      function. Litexa would then push these attributes in case of this syntax:

        key: value
    this.pushAttribute = function(location, key, value) {
      if (!isValidKey(key)) {
        // since we dependency injected the Litexa 'lib', we can now use
        // any Litexa library here, such as ParserError
        throw new lib.ParserError(location, `Invalid key.`);
      if (!isValidValue(value)) {
        throw ner lib.ParserError(location, `Invalid value.`);
      // If we were able to validate key and value, we can push them
      // and use them anywhere we need to (e.g. in toLambda()).
      this.attributes.commands[key] = value;

      Optional: This function can be used to automatically support required
      interfaces. For instance, the @litexa/apl extension adds support for
      the required ALEXA_PRESENTATION_APL interface.
    this.collectRequiredAPIs = function(apis) {
      apis['MY_REQUIRED_INTERFACE'] = true;

# 2) Compiler Extension

The compiler specification can instruct the runtime to accept additional event types, and add validators for:

  1. skill manifest (validated during deployment)
  2. skill interaction model (validated during deployment)
  3. skill directives (validated during Litexa tests)

Let's take a look at a compiler example:

// litexa.extension.js
module.exports = function(options, lib) {
  compiler: {
    manifest: (manifestValidator) { /* ... */ }
    model: (modelValidator) { /* ... */ }
      aDirectiveName: (directiveValidator) {/* ... */ }
      anotherDirectiveName: (directiveValidator) { /* ... */ }
  validEventNames: [
      By default, Litexa accepts the following event types:
        LaunchRequest, IntentRequest, Connections.Response
      Extensions can make Litexa accept additional event types,
        by adding them to this array.

As seen above, every validator function receives one parameter which is a pre-made JSON validator object with the following structure:

validator: {
  jsonObject: // this is the manifest, or model, or directive, respectively
  errors: []  // this is an error stack for all validation errors:
              // all errors are printed after validation is complete

Validators for manifest, model, or directives work similarly. The only difference is that the first two are called during deployment, while directives are validated during Litexa tests. Here's an example of supplying a custom directive validator through an extension:

compiler: {
    "myCustomDirective": function(validator) {
      // Litexa will pass any "myCustomDirective" to this function, for validation

      const directive = directive.jsonObject;
      const params = [ /* expected parameters */ ]

      // Aside from custom validation, the passed 'validator' object supplies
      // utility functions for validation.

    // 1) error printing for independent validation
      // add custom error message
      // add error that specified key failed validation due to "message":
      validator.fail(key, message);

    // 2) error handling for object values
      // add error if key's value not of type boolean:
      // add error unless key's value is an integer between specified bounds:
      validator.integerBounds(key, min, max);
      // add error if key's value not in the provided array of "choices":
      validator.oneOf(key, choices);

    // 3) error handling for object keys
      // add error if any of keys are missing in the jsonObject:
      // add error if any unexpected keys found in jsonObject:
      // combined validation of above 'require' + 'allowOnly':

# 3) Runtime Extension

The runtime specification can add new runtime functionality to Litexa. Let's take a look at what runtime might look like:

// litexa.extension.js
module.exports = function(options, lib) {
  runtime: {
    apiName: "myAPI", // extension namespace: see 'userFacing' below, for application
    source:  require("./myRuntimeHandler.js") // source code for extension handler

The runtime handler source code should export a single function that will receive the Litexa context as a parameter (we highly recommend reviewing the documentation on the Litexa context before proceeding).

By using this Litexa context object, extension runtime handlers can check incoming request data, and modify outgoing response data! Such a runtime handler can define the following:

  1. userFacing variables or methods (callable through the extension apiName)
  2. events handlers: code to be run during certain runtime stages
  3. requests handlers: code to be run after receiving certain request types

Let's take a closer look at what this might look like:

// myRuntimeHandler.js
module.exports = function(context) {
  const myData = {
      An extension can track private data outside of the return statement.
      Note, that this data will be re-instantiated for every skill request.

      If absolutely necessary, this data can be persisted between requests
      by writing/reading to the DB with context.db.write/read('_myAPI').
      Persisting extension data in DB storage will increase latency due to
      the required DB operations.
    greeting: "This is a custom greeting."

  return {
    // Extensions can optionally export user facing variables and methods,
    // which become available under the extension's apiName in inline code.
    userFacing: {
      secret: 13,         // invoked with myAPI.secret
      sayHi: function() { // invoked with myAPI.sayHi()

    // Extensions can add the following event-specific handlers:
    events: {
      afterStateMachine: function() {
        // logic to be run after completing all pending state transitions
        // use case example: if the parser modified the context object, such
        // as adding 'context.myCommandData' as seen above, we could check it here
        if (context.myCommandData) {
      beforeFinalResponse: function(response) {
        // logic to be run before sending the skill response object
        // use case example: we could set a specific a response flag here
        response.flags = response.flags ? response.flags : {};
        response.flags.myCustomFlag = true;

    // Extensions can add request-type-specific handlers, which would
    // be invoked immediately upon receiving the specified requests.
    requests: {
      'SYSTEM.MyExpectedIntent': function(request) {
        console.log("myExtension registered a SYSTEM.MyExpectedIntent request.");

# 4) Runtime Extension

You can instruct the deployment module to consider additional files for upload by just adding an array of additional filename extensions to your extension's definition object.

module.exports = (options, lib) => {
  return {
    additionalAssetExtensions: [".cool", ".great"]

# Conclusion

The goal of Litexa extensions is to provide the means to adapt Litexa's capabilities for individual needs. These individual use cases might be very unique to a single user (I want Litexa to support my custom framework), or more broadly applicable to a larger group (I want Litexa to directly support Alexa feature XYZ).

We highly encourage writing these plugins, and sharing them with the community in case of general applicability.